What to expect from your first Therapy session in Philadelphia

So, you are interested in Therapy in Philadelphia, PA? When you see how many options there are in Philadelphia you are feeling overwhelmed? You don’t know what to expect for your first session or what a therapy session is even like. Hopefully, I can help ease some of that anxiety for you.

What will happen after you decide to schedule a therapy session?

After we have decided that I am the right fit as a therapist for you, we will discuss the intake paperwork and consent forms that need to be signed. Many therapists use online platforms for this paperwork. There will be consent paperwork and an intake questionnaire. This questionnaire is meant to give the therapist a little information about you. You should make sure to add all the information that you think is helpful, but the therapist will ask you anything further that might be needed!

What do you need to do to prepare for the first session?

Nothing! Okay, I guess there is some things you should be ready for… After you complete your paperwork and you are about to join your first virtual therapy session with me you should make sure that you are in a safe, quiet, and isolated area where others can’t hear you. Sometimes clients tell me things like “oh no worries I don’t mind if my kids around” or “it’s okay I am at this coffee shop I don’t mind if others hear” and I don’t ever suggest that. Even if you think you are okay with it, it is best you are alone in a quiet place. Other than making sure you are in a place that makes you feel the most comfortable for virtual therapy, just show up!

What happens in the first session?

During the first session with me, we will complete what is called a bio-psycho-social. This is a set of questions I have created to make sure that I understand as much about you as possible! I will ask questions about your family, your friends, your employment, the stressors you have, and lots of other things! It is okay if, after this first session, we have not gotten to everything. The goal I have in a first session is to try to make sure we have discussed different aspects of your life and start thinking about how therapy can help you.

Will I have homework?

It depends on the client and the situations discussed, but I don’t often give “homework assignments”. Sometimes I will provide some sort of activity or suggestion based on something we discussed during the session however this is never a given. If I give any homework to a client I always remind my client that if they don’t complete the assignment to please still show up to the next session though!

When will I have my next session?

I have clients choose a regular spot on my schedule where they will be able to see me weekly! This does not mean that a client cannot reschedule or cancel if they need too but every client has the ability to see me weekly. I tell clients during their first session that it is important to make therapy a priority and show up as close to weekly as possible because you will see the best results if you are coming regularly and making therapy a priority in your life!

What if I don’t like what happened in the first session or I am not sure it is a good match?

That is always okay! This won’t be the first or the last time a client decides that I am not the right fit for them! During my consultations, I share with clients that I bring my personality into my sessions and make sure that I am authentically me, but with that, it means that my personality won’t match with every single client. I am always happy to help clients find a therapist that matches their needs best if I am not the right fit!

Starting therapy can be incredibly daunting, especially when you have no idea what to expect. The uncertainty of opening up to a stranger about your innermost thoughts and feelings can feel overwhelming and frightening. It’s natural to worry about being judged or misunderstood, and the fear of vulnerability can make the prospect of therapy seem even more intimidating. Each new step into the unknown can amplify these anxieties, making it hard to imagine what the process might be like or how it will impact you. Acknowledging these fears is an important part of the journey, and it's okay to feel anxious as you take the courageous step toward seeking support.

I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Philadelphia.

If you feel like I might be a good fit as your therapist, feel free to call me at (240) 317-9239 for a free 15 minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and discuss how we can begin! If you are looking for help with social and relationship anxiety, you can read more about how I can help here.


FAQs about therapy in Philadelphia, PA


Questions to Ask a Therapist in Philadelphia