About Maggie Therapist in Philadelphia

Therapist in Philadelphia

You have probably searched a dozen other therapists near you and have found so many options. Yet, everyones website seem like they are saying the same thing. You don’t know how to decide who might be a good fit for you…

My name is Maggie Blackburn and I became a therapist because I truly love helping people who are struggling with anxiety within their relationships. I love working with my clients on finding the right ways to access healthy relationships that make them feel happy and secure.

I have a License and Master’s Degree in Social Work and specialized training and experience in working with people experiencing anxiety. My specialties include anxiety, social anxiety, toxic relationships, and couples therapy. I am licensed and can see clients in the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and The District of Columbia for Virtual Therapy.

I know it can feel like a big step to call a therapist, but we will make it easy. We’ll spend 15-minutes on the phone and I’ll let you know how or if I can help. If I am not the right person, I’ll do my best to get you to the right person.

Contact me at (240) 317-9239 for your free 15-minute phone consultation for therapy in Philadelphia.


Click on the therapy specialty below to learn in detail how I help!

Get started with therapy in Philadelphia, today.